In The Unlikely Event

Like many young girls, Judy Blume was one of my favorite authors growing up. I read all of her books at least twice and felt that she got me. When I heard that she had a new adult book out I was excited. I did not read what the book was about because I was convinced that I would love it. 

Unfortunately In The Unlikely Event did not live up to my expectations. 


I found the book very boring. I could not keep the characters straight and, to be honest, I was not interested in getting to know them. The story seemed choppy and not all that interesting. The book is based on a historical event that takes place in the 50’s and that was the most interesting part of the book. I enjoyed reading about the event on Wikipedia more than I did reading the book.

I went to the acupuncturist today and told me about my recent health issues. True to form, Luther put me at ease and said he would get me off all the meds soon. I love he keeps me sane and calm. Then I went in for my annual OB/GYN visit. I guess I should not say annual since the last time I went was five years ago. It is never fun, but a necessary evil.

I did not make it to the gym today and that is okay. I ate well and know that I will be back to the gym soon. I followed doctor’s orders and rested. Actually I went to a friend’s house to watch the Women’s World Cup (France lost their game and the U.S. won). It was fun. It was nice to be out if the house and not be at a doctor’s office.

Now Begonia and I are sitting on the couch, with stuffed bellies, and getting ready to make the transition to bed. 

I could say this has been an uneventful summer so far and in some ways that Is true. The excitement is not what I was hoping for, but I am happy it happened. It has been the kick in the pants I needed to start taking better care of myself. I hope I can keep it up.

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