Biting my nails

Well, I finally did it.

I entered my first photography competition.

movementI chose this picture, titled “Movement”.

I took this picture for my Photography 101 class and I really loved it. We will see what happens.  The photo will be critiqued next Monday and I am really curious what the judges have to say.  I will not know how I placed until the first week of July. I am just proud of myself that I entered. The hard part is done!

I finished Orange is the New Black while waiting for my fellow book club members.


I am shocked to say the Netflix series is a million times better than the book. How often do I say that? I had high hopes for the book since I love the series.  It was the first show I binge watched. I felt that the author was whiney and irritating. It got to the point where I did not care what happened to her. I especially did not care for the ending, but that seems to happen for me.


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