I won at Bunco!

My plans for a quiet, relaxing evening where interrupted by a cry for help! A friend needed a sub for Bunco and knew I was the person to call.  I changed out of my pjs and headed over as soon as I could.  I did not know any of the ladies, but how can you not have fun at Bunco?

And guess what? I won at Bunco!


How lucky was I!

Not so lucky.

I came home and my water heater was leaking.  A pipe busted and now I have no hot water.  Hopefully Lowe’s has the part I need and I can fix it tomorrow.  The water did leak through the wall and now I need to call the insurance company. This is going to be interesting.

Must stay positive!

Today’s Photography 101 challenge was “Black and White”.  This is the picture I really wanted to post.


But I decided to be good and post this one instead.

Black & White

I took this one at the Japanese Gardens in San Francisco about five years ago. I love this picture!  It is one of my all time favorites.


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