Happy First Day of Spring

My mood is no better.

My stress level is rising.

I leave for DC in 30 hours.

24 middle schoolers, on an airplane and hiking across DC, in possible snowy weather. This is going to be interesting. Last year I have a blast and this year will be even better!

I just finished a book club pick.


The Angel’s Game by Carlos Ruiz Zafòn was amazing. I read it slowly so I could savor every word. I wanted to read rather than watch TV. I was so happy it did not disappoint. I read The Shadow in the Wind a few years ago and knew that Zafòn was going to be a favorite author. I loved all the twists and turns in the book.

And look at this book!  How could it not be good!


There is one bad thing about the book. You will want to go to Barcelona and see all the places that are mentioned in the book. Zafòn makes you feel like you know these places and your brain needs to be reminded of them. I promise you that if I make it back to Barcelona any time soon, I will be taking a tour.

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