Somehow I got sucked into watching the Oscars

Dang it for moms!

My mom loves the Oscars and every year I end up watching it with her. I am not too fond of award shows and either is she… Unless it is the Oscars. I am happy that Jared Leto won for best supporting actor. I love his music, but I have yet to see the Dallas Buyers Club. Actually, I have not seen many of the movies that are nominated. That is unlike me. I tend to see a lot of movies, but this year I have not seen many. Thank goodness for Netflix! What was most shocking? My dad watched the awards with us. I think he enjoys Ellen’s humor more than he will ever admit.

The storms have passed and we are in the process of drying out. In my opinion the storm was kind of a dud and expensive. Part of my fence fell down and now I have to get it fixed.

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Can you see it through all the green? There goes my tax return! I’ll be getting estimates this week and hopefully the fence will be fixed soon. It was time to get the fence replaced. I was just hoping it could be put off a little longer. Picking a new fence is not as easy as it sounds. Wood or vinyl? Short to tall?

Will the neighbor pay for half of it? If only I could twitch my nose and have it done!

Despite all that, my day was relaxing and I am ready to go back to work. My eating habits will be a heck of a lot better during the week!!! I did make some yummy meals today. For lunch I had chicken salad in an avocado.

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I wanted more. It was amazingly delicious! I was surprised by how much I liked it. The bread was not missed and I actually liked it better without. I did not make the chicken salad myself. I cheated and bought the White Meat Chicken Salad from Trader Joe’s. You can never go wrong with Trader Joe’s.

Since we were watching the Oscars, I made our families standard “Dinner in front of the TV” meal… Nachos!

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The nachos were pretty damn good too. After the picture I remembered to add the avocado. We rarely ate in front of the TV when I was a kid and to this day it still feels like a big deal. I love having silly traditions from childhood that we still practice today. It reminds me of the good times and that we can still enjoy each other’s company.

And finally the most amazing thing happened today. The books I ordered from Amazon arrived today.  On a Sunday! Wow!!!!  Who delivers on a Sunday?

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