Singing the Blues about Stomach Bugs

I stayed home today since I was positive I had a stomach bug.  On Wednesday I was in pain.  My stomach was screaming.  The smell of food made my stomach turn.  I slept through lunch. I did not eat.  I went home early and slept. Today I woke up feeling okay and I probably could have made it to work.  But as you teachers out there know, it is a pain in the neck to make sub plans and you would rather use up a sick day then have wasted all that time!

So I sprawled out on my couch all day.  I did make myself take a shower, but that was the only thing productive I did today. Other than read. Oh how I love to read.  I currently belong to two book clubs and I would not be opposed to join a third. Book Club #1, The Nerdy Girls, met on Monday.  We are on a book reading hiatus, but we still get together once a month to catch up with each other. Hopefully we start a new reading list in March. Book Club #2, is a new one that my yoga studio is starting up.  Our first book is Eat, Pray, Love by Elizabeth Gilbert.



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I am kinda convinced that Oprah has cameras in my house and is spying on me.  I discovered Eat, Pray, Love about the time it was released.  Well, a few months later Oprah makes it her Book Club pick!!  Can you believe the audacity of Oprah???  I discovered the book first and she gets all the credit!!!!!  This would not be the first book she did this with.  Oprah, if you are reading this please call me.  I am sure Obama can find my number and pass it on to you.

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So I read Eat, Pray, Love about seven years ago. I thought it was a fun book, but not the life changing memoir that some think it is.  Do not get me started on the movie or I will have to have another Side Bar. Since it had been awhile since I read it, I decided to read it again. Wouldn’t you know, the book read differently to me this time.  It kinda spoke to me.  It did not encourage me to leave my job and travel.  Instead it made sense.  I realized that as different as the author and I are, we had a lot in common. She was at a crossroads in her life and I feel I am in the same place.  I know I need to make a change, but I do not know how.  I do not have the courage.  I do not have the guts.  But I need to do something.

To be honest, I cannot live this life forever.  I believe it will get better, but when?  I am losing hope.

And then I start another book. When I was at the Jen Lancaster book signing, my friend pointed out Orphan Train by Christina Baker Kline.


As a matter of fact, Christina Baker Kline is coming to town for a book signing!  So my friend and I made another date to attend the signing.  Of course I have to read the book before I meet the author.

In case you have not figured it out, I am a big nerd.  Remember I am a member of two book clubs.  One is called The Nerdy Girls. I also would be happy to join a third book club.

The biggest accomplishment of the day is that I finally listened to my latest iTunes download. I do not remember how I discovered the band honey honey, but I am so happy I did. They are a little bit more country than I prefer, but I am addicted to the album now. My favorite song is Ohio. Very catchy.

Ok, I am off to bed….. but not before one more Side Bar.

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I do not believe that many books turn into good movies.  There are very few exceptions. But still, I always go and see the movie with hopes that the movie will live up to the book. I could blame Oprah for this again, but I won’t. She has cameras in my house.

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