Just a Big Chicken

I saw Jurassic World today.

Yes it was just a newer version of the first once, but still I was wowed. It was a great movie. I was entertained for two hours and would see it again. The first one was far better, but I think that was since it was such a new idea. But I still really enjoyed this one and Chris Pratt helped a lot with the enjoyment of the movie.

I kinda have a big crush on him.

One of the big stars of the movie is the Indominus Rex.



I’m not going to tell you much about him, but I had to share that my mom says that all he is is a big chicken. Does’t look so scary now!

Since I am a proud nerd, I wanted to share this neat video from VSauce. This is one of my favorite YouTube channels. He posted a neat video all about Jurassic World and the nerdy side of it. Very interesting.

My state of mind is not good. I did not exercise today.  I ate well, but I was hungry all day. I was restless. I was frustrated. I was mad.

But I did not give up!

Tomorrow is a new day.


This entry was posted in Movies, Nerdy, Sam is getting healthy, State of Mind, Summer. Bookmark the permalink.