So much to share

First, I have been run/walking the past few days consistently. I am so proud of myself! I have put myself on a run/walk every other day plan. I have heard that running is addictive and it is! I still walk more than I run, but that is okay. I love how I feel afterwards. I feel more awake. It is a struggle to get myself out of bed and lace up my shoes, but it is all worth it! I love being able to call myself a runner.

Also, I have not read a book in over a month and that is usual. It has happened in the past and I will hopefully come out of this funk soon. Today I started reading Running with Curves.


It is motivating me to keep running and hopefully get me out of my reading rut. I have enjoyed the website by the same name. My goal with running is to be able to run/walk a 5K by October.  I can do this.

In other news, I think I submitted all of papers to apply for grad school.  I love saying grad school!  I will be going to University of Redlands, a local private university.



It is heck of expensive, but I know it has a phenomenal program. I am applying to the School of Education for the Masters of Arts in School Counseling. I don’t know when I will find out if I got accepted, but I am feeling positive. I feel it is time to take the next step in my career and this is a step in the right direction. If I get accepted, I will have no life for the nest two years. Am I okay with that?

Staying in step in taking the next step in my career, yesterday I interviewed for a TOSA position in my district. TOSA stands for Teacher On Special Assignment. This will be a position that will focus on Science. I will help teachers understand and implement the Next Generation Science Standards (NGSS). I will be out of the classroom and I am not sure I am okay with that. I hope to find out by the end of the week if I got the position, but the suspense is killing me. KILLING ME!

Mom has been doing really well. We went out to dinner two nights in a row. We got our toes done today. She gets tired easily, but she is surprising me.

Too bad I cannot say the same about Dad.


This entry was posted in Books, Family, Sam is getting healthy, Smile!, Summer, Work. Bookmark the permalink.

One Response to So much to share

  1. Jill says:

    Congrats on becoming a runner! It’s such a great feeling, isn’t it? Hope you enjoy the book 🙂

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