
My Netflix queue is getting shorter and shorter!  I never thought that would happen!

Today I watched The Words with Bradley Cooper.


Rotten Tomatoes hated this movie, but I actually found it interesting.  I read a book a few years ago that had a very similar plot. Anything with Bradley Cooper is usually good.  I have a crush on him, so I may be a bit biased.

For dinner I went to my cousin’s house for our annual Christmas dinner. This year was a bit different. It was me, my parents, my uncle, and all of my cousin’s wife’s family. I love spending time with my cousin and will take any chance I get.  I will admit that dinner was not as fun, but the food was good and it got me out of the house. Between you and I, I felt a bit neglected. My cousin’s wife’s family did not make an effort to talk to use and as a matter of fact, even changed rooms when we came in. My cousin was sweet and tried to make some Southern dishes, but what does a Californian know about Southern food?????

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