I had a major breakdown yesterday.
It has been building and yesterday I erupted.
It has been building for a long time.
And after the explosion was over I felt no better.
FML (Fuck my life) is going to be my new slogan.
I know that there are a billion people who have it worse than me. I know that my situation could be worse tomorrow.
I try to find the joy in everything. Most people in my life think I am a completely different person than I am. I do not share much about how I am feeling. I share some of my issues on this blog, but I think people would be shocked by what I think and feel.
To be honest I sometimes think I need to 50/51 myself.
I try to be thankful for all I have. I remind myself to recognize how blessed I am. I attempt to convince myself that I am worthy of so much more.
So I am going to try something that I read in a magazine and Oprah always encouraged.
I am going to end each post with what I am grateful for. Somedays will be easier than others, but I need to find something to be grateful for.
Today’s gratitude:
My a/c worked today
It was cool enough to open the windows
El Charro’s Tostada Chicken Salad (which I refer to as Crack Salad)