I have to confess that I have not been to yoga in two weeks and boy did I pay the price tonight. My legs were shaking, I could not limber up, and I sweated like a whore in church. It was miserable. Still, a bad yoga class is better than no yoga class. You know that high that runners brag about? I kinda feel like I have a yoga high after a class. I am more relaxed, I feel calmer, and the problems of the day fade away. After yoga I come home, make dinner, and I am so relaxed. I sleep better, I feel better, and I am managing my stress better… or so I think. I would recommend yoga to anyone. Is is not about the moves and how flexible you are. It is about learning how to focus on your breathe. It is amazing how useful focusing on my breathing in everyday life. I even have my students practice it!
After yoga, I came home and made another delicious meal. Salmon stuffed with feta and spinach and steamed broccoli.
It was many of my favorite things all on one plate. I was one happy camper! Again I have to say that I laugh when people say that it takes too long to cook a healthy meal at home. My dinner only took about 30 minutes (you can call me Rachel Ray) and it was better than anything from a drive-thru.
I have been trying to eat low carb and I am doing okay. I read an article about how bad processed foods are for you and it kinda got me thinking. I have known for awhile how bad processed foods are, but I never really paid attention to it. Actually, I thought I was already kind of a healthy eater. I love my veggies and my fruit. I am not a huge fan of red meat. But when I really sat down and paid attention to my eating habits I realized that it was not as good as I thought. So I decided to make some changes. I am making these changes slowly. I try to avoid carbs, but if I really want something I allow myself to have it. I feel the best way to make a big change is to do it one step at a time and not fight a craving. So far it is going okay. The weekdays are much easier than the weekends to stick to a plan. My weekdays are so busy that if it is not planned out I panic. The weekends, on the other hand, are unplanned and make follow any sort of program is tough.
Practice makes perfect!
It takes 30 days to make a something new a habit.
They say repeating these mantras helps. It just makes me want to punch the person who said that !